Distinguished papers at the SENE'2022 conference
We are pleased to announce that the staff of the Institute of Engineering and Technology: Łukasz Niewiara, Robert Surus, Rafał Szczepański, Tomasz Tarczewski and Lech Grzesiak from the Warsaw University of Technology have been awarded a distinction for the highest scientific level of the papers submitted to the 15th "Control in Power Electronics and Electric Drive" conference.
Implementation PhD at INT
INT will carry out the project 'Novel approaches to EEG neurofeedback' in the field of natural sciences in the discipline of computer science within the ministerial programme 'Implementation PhD' framework. The promoter is Professor Włodzisław Duch, and the cooperating entity is Atos Poland Global Services.
Professor Włodzisław Duch is a "Fellow" of AAIA (Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association)
We are pleased to announce that Professor Włodzisław Duch has been elected as a 'Fellow' in the AAIA (Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association).
20 Toruń Festival of Science and Arts
Students of Automation and Robotics and the Technical Study Group mentor participate in the mobile robot demonstrations organised as part of the 20th Toruń Festival of Science and Arts.
The Institute of Technical Sciences research team has received funding for a research project
The scientific team composed of Łukasz J. Niewiara, PhD (head), Maciej Kolincio, M.Sc. and Paweł Białecki, M.Sc., has received funding for a research project entitled "Development of power electronic converters using modern semiconductor switches based on gallium nitride (GaN) dedicated to electricity storage systems."
The employee of the Institute of Technical Sciences, co-author of the book
The book contains general information about the structure and functioning of the Universe and the characteristics of terrestrial life. It also discusses whether Earth-like life exists in other places in the Cosmos. The authors of the publication (biologist, physicist, astronomer) attempt to answer the questions: where did the Universe come from? How does it evolve? How did life and conscious beings originate in it?
Habilitation of Tomasz Piotrowski
Tomasz Piotrowski received M.Sc. in Mathematics degree from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, the Silesian University of Technology in 2004, a Master of Science degree in Information Processing and Neural Networks from King's College London, UK in 2005, and PhD degree in Technical Sciences from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan in 2008, nostrified at the Warsaw University of Technology in 2011. Between 2009 and 2010 he worked in the industry as a data analyst at Comarch SA. In 2011 he joined the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń as an assistant professor. He obtained the habilitation degree from Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, in 2021.
Dr. BEng. Marcin Paprocki received the Miniatura 5 grant
The National Science Center has announced the results of the Miniatura 5. This competition aims to provide financial support for a scientific activity to prepare a future research project to be submitted in NCN competitions or other national and international competitions. Among the winners, there was Dr.BEng. Marcin Paprocki was awarded funding for a research trip to the University of Belgrade and the Research and Development Institute LOLA Ltd.in Serbia as part of the scientific activity: Predictive Maintenance on a CNC machine with parallel kinematics (H-Bot) using the EtherCAT bus. Research trip. Congratulations!
Dr Robert Frankowski laureate of the NCN Miniatura 5
The National Science Centre has announced the results of the Miniatura 5. The competition aims to financially support scientific activities to prepare a future research project for submission to NCN, other national or international competitions. Among the prize-winners was Dr. Robert Frankowski, who received funding to carry out a scientific activity entitled Preliminary studies of the properties of MPSoC structures on the possibility of implementation of a high-resolution TDC converter.